
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Being overwhelmed is like a surfer being dumped by a wave repeatedly. It can manifest in many ways and can affect all of us. The scriptures remind us of some things that we can do when we are feeling overwhelmed.

Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Accusations of the Enemy
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
Sunday Jun 08, 2014
The enemy will use whatever he can to undermine us, including accusing us. The scriptures remind us that in Christ we have victory. We cannot rely on our feelings, we have to stand on the word of God. Here are some keys to overcoming accusation.

Sunday Jun 01, 2014
A Little Temptation that Leads to a Whole Heap of Trouble.
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
As christians we are not immune to temptation, it will come our way the question is when. Here are 4 phases of temptation and 2 keys in overcoming temptation.

Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Eyes Wide Shut Pt. 2
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
Sunday Jun 01, 2014
We live in a very spiritual world and the devil comes only to kill, steal and destroy. One of the schemes of the devil is temptation. The scriptures remind us that we can overcome temptation and here are 8 keys for how to overcome temptation.

Sunday May 25, 2014
People You Cant Help
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
Matthew 7:24

Sunday May 25, 2014
Eyes Wide Shut Pt. 1
Sunday May 25, 2014
Sunday May 25, 2014
We live in a spiritual world.

Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
Disappointment arises in us when we have unmet expectations. There is a purpose in our disappointment and we need to learn how to navigate through disappointment and not be robbed from it. Here are some keys to processing disappointment.

Sunday May 18, 2014
More Than Before
Sunday May 18, 2014
Sunday May 18, 2014
We all want more in our life. In taking hold of "the more" God has for you, you will get more of the good and the bad. God wants to give you more but there are obstacles you will have to go through. The scriptures encourage us to focus on the good and fight through the obstacles. Here are 3 common obstacles and how to overcome them.

Monday May 12, 2014
Lessons From A Mum
Monday May 12, 2014
Monday May 12, 2014
Mums do an amazing job at it, but it can be hard physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In this day and age there is no training for mums, but the Bible gives us some great examples of women. Here are some keys we can learn from women of the Bible.

Sunday May 11, 2014
Women of Wisdom
Sunday May 11, 2014
Sunday May 11, 2014
All of us would love more wisdom. The good news is when we lack wisdom all we have to do is turn to God. The scriptures remind us of the worth and wonder of wisdom. Here are some keys to growing in Godly wisdom.