
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Who Do You Think You are Pt. 3
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
As Christians we are saved, we are being saved and we will be saved. The scriptures remind us of what Jesus has saved us from.

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Understanding What God Thinks About You
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
There has been a big misunderstanding about what God thinks about you. The scriptures show us that Jesus dealt with people who had experienced misunderstanding. Here are a few key point of how Jesus clears up misunderstanding.

Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Our God is a God who speaks Into Empty Spaces
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
Sunday Nov 30, 2014
In the midst of our busy lives we need to create space for God to move. The scriptures remind us that there are different kinds of spaces and environments. Some that usher in the presence of God and some that don't. Here are some thoughts on how toucher in the supernatural presence of God into our lives.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
An Attitude Of Gratitude
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
God does many amazing things in our life on a daily basis. Sometimes we can be so busy that we forget to be thankful for things around us. Here are some keys to ensuring we have an attitude of gratitude towards God.

Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Who Do You Think You Are Part 2
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Sunday Nov 23, 2014
Who you are is not determined by what you do. The scriptures remind us that we are the light of the world. Here are some keys as to what the purpose of light is.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Faith Is Believing Even If Everything Goes Wrong
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Tips on keeping your faith even when everything looks so wrong.

Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Who Do You Think You Are - Part. 1
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
Sunday Nov 16, 2014
When we know who we are we have a confidence to know what to do. When we forget who we are we forget how to behave. The scriptures remind us that we are ambassadors of Christ. Here are some insights to being an ambassador of Christ.

Tuesday Nov 11, 2014

Sunday Nov 09, 2014
So I've been prayed for... Now what?
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Sunday Nov 09, 2014
Practical tips for staying faith filled while waiting for your miracle.

Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Leaving a Good Legacy
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
Sunday Oct 26, 2014
In order to leave a good legacy you need to know whats behind you but it won't be helpful for you to dwell in the past. The vision in front of your life is large, are you living in the past or are you looking into the future? The scriptures have given us keys to keep moving forward and not dwelling in our past.